Felp Assembly

automation machinery

The mechanic design

One of the peaks of excellence among the worldwide competence of FELP service is the mechanic design, directed to combine the best assembly and testing solutions with optimisation of production and costs. Design is strongly personalized on the base of the customer needs, submitted to FELP technicians’ analysis in terms of production needs, ergonomics, qualitative standard, technologic innovations and industrial benefits. The target is to ensure a design of high level of personalization, in order to lay the foundations for the creation of the most appropriate and functional assembly solution, completely automatic and controlled electronically with a programmed by FELP software.




Construction and assembly

The internal design and construction guarantee excellent quality of assembly and testing FELP solutions. After the design stage, personalized and oriented to offer the best solutions for every single need of testing and assembly, FELP employs for realization of projects CNC machines, which ensure high quality and precise products. Produced by FELP industrial automation system are designed paying the maximum attention to the ergonomic line, to rotating tables and to work benches, in order to ensure the maximum comfort, security and performance to operators. Every machine and assembly and tasting module is equipped with software for control and management.

Software development- Personalized technology

Every single machine and industrial automation system FELP are maintained and controlled by software systems programmed ad hoc exceptionally by an internal team, constantly updated and enhanced in innovation, research and development. The design and the personalization of software equipment permit to acquire evident benefits in terms of plants expansion, of functional verticalization, and of simplifying logistics. Every software is equipped with an auto diagnostic and control system to allow maximum control of the production process and a concrete optimisation of maintenance and intervention executed by every operator. Every FELP plant is also equipped with system of remote service in order to assist quickly and efficiently the customer directly from FELP headquarter. There is also a possibility of employment and programming by FELP team of the best world brands products, like PLC, HMI control panel, Panel PLC, Robot, Cameras, Servo drivers and any other kind of electric components without limits to desires and exigencies of every single client.

Manuals and documents

All machines and modules for assembly and testing are supplied with proper manuals and documents. In fact, for all the industrial automation systems, being designed and developed internally, with high level of personalization for every line, rotating table and work des, FELP has created manuals ad hoc, inclusive of:
• Instruction manual,
• Certifications,
• Descriptive pictures,
• Procedures of exploitation,
• Maintenance booklet,
• Eventual integrative manual of trade parts,
• Information, data and propaedeutic instructions for the best utilisation and exploitation of supplied systems potentialities.

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